The PVUSD BOND election is an ALL MAIL-IN ELECTION, check your BALLOT STATUS at
MAIL YOUR BALLOT by October 31st, 2023 or drop off your ballot, between Oct 16th and Nov 7th (Mon – Fri, 7:30 – 4:30pm) at PVUSD District Office, 15002 N 32nd Street, Phoenix, AZ 85032
For more information visit or call 602-506-1511.
We will make it happen with your vote…and support!
Your support will help efforts to educate voters about the importance of passing bonds and overrides to support and continue the educational excellence in PVSchools, and promote strong neighborhoods and stable home values.
Get Campaign Materials
Help us educate voters! Your help makes all the difference. If you’d like to share campaign information with friends and neighbors or would like a yard sign and car magnet, please CLICK HERE.

Make Donations
Any amount you can donate will help us ensure a bright future for PV students.

Contact Us
We’d love to connect with you! You can contact us here.

We Need Volunteers
All the work we do is dependent on community members donating their time & resources.
See Our Supporters
We have a wide spectrum of supporters who see our schools as an integral part of the community in which we live. CLICK HERE to check out who supports us…and why!
Yes! for PV Students is a political action committee that has existed since 2004 to advocate for the passage of Paradise Valley Unified School District ballot issues. We are a group of parents, teachers, business leaders, community members, and alumni who volunteer their time and resources to benefit the students in PVSchools.
We experienced first-hand the critical role PVSchools have played in our lives and our children’s lives. Because of this, we continue our work to ensure an excellent educational experience for current and future students of the district. Our students, our community, our future.
Will My Taxes Go Up?
NO! The bond is structured so the tax rate will NOT increase. We know that there are multiple demands on taxpayers and not increasing the tax rate was a deliberate choice the governing board made. With over 10 million square feet of facilities that belong to our communities and neighborhoods to maintain, the district takes great care in prioritizing facility management to make their sites safe for students and accessible to the community.
Just the Facts
Why is the election being held? The school district needs to raise funds that help upkeep taxpayer assets. Projects include replacing, repairing and maintaining aging facilities, building new facilities to accommodate growth, and buying furniture, equipment, technology, and school buses.
What happens if the bond is not approved? The district will be required to use operations funds to pay for critical renovations. Cuts to the operations budget could come from increasing class size, reducing or eliminating special programs, layoffs, and/or reducing school supplies.

Other Important Dates
Oct. 10
Voter Registration Deadline Register TODAY! You can still register for the NEXT election.
Oct. 11
Ballots Mailed & Drop Boxes Available
Check your mailbox for your ballot!
Oct. 30
In Person Ballot Replacement Voting Begins
Oct. 31
Last Day to Mail Back Your Ballot
Nov. 7
Election Day!
What Our Supporters are Saying

Christine Marsh & Laura Terech
“With this critically needed bond, every school, and thus every student, will benefit, as will our community. We encourage you to vote YES to help PVUSD maintain and improve its schools and the educational experience of all PV students.”

Julie Bacon & Sue Skidmore
“We have no grandchildren, nor relatives enrolled in PVUSD. But that does not absolve us of our responsibility to educate the children in our community. It is our civic duty to contribute to our children—our future. Please join us in voting yes.”
# of Students YOUR VOTE impacts
# of Schools YOUR VOTE helps
$ Amount Your Taxes Will Raise

We are asking for your help today. Your support will help efforts to educate voters about the importance of passing the bond to support and continue the educational excellence in PVSchools, and promote strong neighborhoods and stable home values. Remember: our schools are community assets so they belong to ALL of us!