Our Supporters

Kerry Baker
Board Member PVUSD
“You may ask how the bond benefits you if you do not have students in our schools. For two simple reasons: our students will be our future mechanics, doctors, engineers, artists, plumbers, soldiers, and teachers, and our schools are a vital part of our communities and our economic development.”
Kelli Butler
Maricopa County Community College
District Governing Board Member
“Part of the equation to support student success requires schools to be safe, secure learning environments, and in this area, PVUSD earns top grades. For decades, the district has followed a rigorous facilities maintenance plan and kept schools and other buildings in the best shape possible. However, doing so costs money, and construction and other costs have risen sharply. Vote Yes for the PVUSD bond – for our students.”

Tammy Caputi
City of Scottsdale Councilwoman
“…I strongly support keeping our schools safe, secure, and well-maintained. PV students and staff should expect cool air conditioning in the hot weather, dry classrooms during monsoons, and overall appropriate maintenance at their sites. As taxpayers, we deserve protection for the investments we have in our school and taxpayer-owned buildings. Bond funds will go towards upkeep and improvements at every school without raising the tax rate (based on current home values).”
Nancy Case
PVUSD Governing Board President
“I’ve always appreciated PVUSD’s efforts to maintain our facilities to high standards and to provide state-of-the-art technology learning opportunities. Even though state capital funding does not cover building and maintenance costs, which have increased more than 30% over the past 5 years, with the help of our voters we have continued to keep our buildings safe and secure and provide quality education.”

Jessica Crain
PV United Parent Council President
“As parents, we want to know that our children are learning in spaces that are not only safe and secure but also stimulating and conducive to creativity. With more than 5 million square feet of space to maintain and manage, the Paradise Valley Unified School District needs funds to sustain school facilities. If a roof needs repairing or an air conditioning unit goes out, I want to know there are funds to make these repairs in a timely manner so that our students’ learning will not be affected. I also want to ensure that needed maintenance and repairs will not reduce teachers’ salaries…”
Kate Gallego
Mayor of Phoenix
“The role the district plays in our neighborhoods cannot be understated. Civic groups, Scout troops, faith communities and more have access to facilities throughout the district. Not only do our students benefit but our whole community gains from having well-maintained schools.
A well-educated city is key to a vibrant economy. PVSchools has a proven track record of excellence in education, and they do so while paying close attention to the expenditure of taxpayer dollars. They are also committed to transparency and accountability when it comes to those expenditures as evidenced by their “Bond Dollars at Work” webpage.”

Anne Greenberg
PVUSD Governing Board Member
“…my husband and I chose to move to PVUSD specifically for the outstanding schools we had heard so much about. In the succeeding years, we experienced that excellence firsthand as involved and dedicated parent volunteers.
Although our sons have graduated, our commitment to PVUS’s superlative schools and the extraordinary educational experiences they have provided for 110 years remains strong. That is why we are voting yes on this critical bond – paying it forward to ensure that PVUSD can continue to maintain, secure, and improve the facilities and infrastructure that will serve students and staff today and in the future.”
Michael Laney
Community Member
“…we have nearly 50 facilities that still require management and renovations and the state provides woefully inadequate funding to do so. The bond measure, which is structured to not increase our tax rate, will help fund maintenance and improvements at all facilities and ensure our technological infrastructure is capable of supporting our 21st-century classrooms.”

Todd LaPorte
CEO HonorHealth
“The pandemic changed much about society, including education. One thing we learned acutely was the importance of having environments that promote learning in a safe and healthy setting. This has actually been a longstanding hallmark of PVUSD, which strives to ensure that its facilities have needed resources to support student achievement in the well-maintained schools in which our educators work. As the CEO of HonorHealth and the parent of PVUSD graduates, I know how vital great schools are to the well-being of our society and economy. Please join me in voting yes for the PVUSD bond. It’s a healthy investment in our community.”
Dr. Jim Lee
Retired PVUSD Superintendent
“Prior to my serving PVUSD as superintendent, I was the assistant superintendent over services and facilities and know firsthand how diligently the district has worked to maintain buildings and more with diminished dollars.”

Tony Pantera
PVUSD Board Member
“Until my retirement in 2022, I taught in PVUSD for 43 years, working in a variety of schools in different neighborhoods. As a teacher, I always appreciated that our district responded as quickly as possible whenever a maintenance issue arose, no matter how large or small. The fact that we have adhered to long-term facilities maintenance plans means that my classrooms were continuously ready for learning, with repairs and renovations regularly scheduled and my students’ safety and security ever-present.
But all of these things – from changing light bulbs to fixing air conditioning units to reroofing a school – cost money, and now as a Governing Board member, I have even greater appreciation as to just how much that is. This is not, however, money that the state provides in anywhere near sufficient amounts to meet our needs.”
Gia Saggar
Flinn Scholar, PVUSD Alumni
“I graduated from Paradise Valley High School in May and now attend the University of Arizona as a 2023 Flinn Scholar, one of only 20 in Arizona. I could not be more appreciative of the education I received in PVUSD. And now PVUSD needs our support. To fill the enormous gaps in funding the state should provide districts when it comes to critical facilities maintenance and improvements, the community has the opportunity to approve the PVUSD bond. Please vote YES for PV students.”

Deb Stark
City of Phoenix Councilwoman
“In the years since my children attended PV schools, PVUSD has continued to do everything it can to ensure that our schools provide safe and secure learning environments for our students and staff. Over time, that upkeep accelerates as it does for our own aging houses.
The difference is that our district schools belong to all of us as taxpayers and they represent a major investment in our community. Although schools increase our property values and serve as major employers throughout our neighborhoods, the state continues to shortchange critically needed building renewal funds for PVUSD and districts throughout Arizona. Please join me in voting YES to allow PVUSD to continue this tradition of excellence.”
Jerry Withers
Retired PVUSD Principal
“As a recently retired PVSchools administrator, I know the importance of safety and maintenance of district facilities. I know, firsthand, how diligent the district is in determining how to distribute dollars for renovation projects.”

We are asking for your help today. Your support will help efforts to educate voters about the importance of passing the bond to support and continue the educational excellence in PVSchools, and promote strong neighborhoods and stable home values. Remember: our schools are community assets so they belong to ALL of us!